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Demented Designs LLC  -  2007
Site Updated January, 20 2025
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Choose Insanity-      What can I say, Howard County, Maryland is a great place to live, work and raise a family.  Additionally, you cannot find a better area, located between Baltimore and Washington.  Each weekday morning, I find myself on Route 29 doing about 65, to avoid being run off the road, insane.  In fact, I was passed by a car doing 70+ with one of those, "Choose Civility" stickers adhered to the back.  Hmm, the car must have been stolen?  Anyway, once I found out this, “Choose Civility” initiative was a Howard County thing, I thought, it was time to have some fun!  Thus, “Choose Insanity”!  In short, you have to applaud the, "Choose Civility" initiative.  However, nobody is perfect and some times it's just easier to, "Choose Insanity"!
HoCo Turkey Vulture Magnets-      Turkey vultures have long been synonymous with Howard County.  Why not compliment the, “Choose Insanity” project by creating a HoCo Turkey Vulture magnet?  Come on, join the committee! Articles related to turkey vultures in Howard County:  http://archives.explorehoward.com/news/6018947/vultures-ruffling-feathers/ http://hocomd.wordpress.com/2006/12/30/the-vultures-are-back-in-long-reach/ http://articles.baltimoresun.com/2007-01-21/news/0701200179_1_howard-county-student-government-student-member
Dead Deer Christmas Cards-      About 10-15 years ago, I was out photographing nature using my medium format camera loaded up with black and white film. I was finished photographing for the day, when on my drive home, I encountered a poor dead deer on the side of the road.  I thought, why not, pulled out the camera and finished up the roll of film on the "deerly departed”.  For a year, the negatives were stored away, until the following Christmas.  I've made my own Christmas cards before in the past, but this year I wanted something different, something the receiving party would not forget!  I simply printed the dead deer on black and white photographic paper, then with a colored marker, gave the deer a nose to resemble a Christmas icon.      The response from friends and family was overwhelming!  The following year I sent out a traditional Christmas card and received much disapproval.    From that point on, I've been keeping an eye out for lumps along the roadside that could become this year's Christmas card!  I've taken the best of the bunch and made them available to you, to share with friends and family this holiday season.  I have found the cards appeal mostly to hunters, anyone who's hit a deer while driving, auto insurance agents, those who hate deer and anyone with a demented sense of humor.  All the deer photographed were found roadside, unfortunately struck by vehicles and not the result of hunting for the purpose of creating these cards.      The deer population in some parts of the country have motorist holding on to their steering wheel with a death-grip, as they pass deer feeding along the roadside.  Erie Insurance, of Erie Pennsylvania are quick to offer the follow tips:  Most deer-vehicle collisions occur during October, November and December.  Stay alert and maintain a safe distance and speed.  Use high beams when there is no opposing traffic.  Be especially vigilant around dusk and dawn.  Never try to drive around a deer or swerve to avoid hitting one.       Check out this article about dead deer in, “CAR and DRIVER magazine.         
360 Degree Images of Main Street Ellicott City Stores and Restaurants      Store and restaurant owners of old Ellicott City, Maryland were devastated by a flood taking place on July 29, 2016.  From that day forward, many businesses have worked exhaustingly to return, while at the same time, new businesses have appeared.  With 360 degree camera in hand, I’ve been visiting the businesses of old Ellicott City.  At no charge, I’ve gathered 360 degree images of businesses that have reopened.  Owners can use these images on websites or post on social media, to help promote their business.  With the collection of images growing, it made sense to have one location where all the images could be viewed.  Hope you enjoy 360 Ellicott City!